There is no denying that essential oils have become very popular over the past few years. Many more people are turning to natural healing methods more than ever before. And it just so happens that essential oils have become even more popular since the launch of doTERRA about 8 years ago. There is no denying the quality of doTERRA essential oils and word has been spreading rapidly. However, people are ALWAYS trying to get the essential oil “experience” by looking for cheaper oils, or researching everything on the internet and end up getting stuck, confused and not knowing where to start. I talk to many people everyday that have no clue which oils they should use or how to use them. People want their oils to be effective for natural healing, stress relief, first aid, skin care… etc but they get frustrated trying to figure it out. That is why I absolutely love what I do and have become very passionate about helping people start their journey with essential oils. I love guiding people and being able to introduce them to this amazing lifestyle. Here are my TOP reasons why you should start your journey with a dedicated wellness advocate and not venture into the world of essential oils on your own.
- You might find yourself confused about what to use on your own. The internet is full of ideas but many of them are not effective solutions. A lot of what you find are blogs full of opinions, articles that are out of date and studies that come from adulterated or tampered oils that are not the same grade or quality as doTERRA. NOT ALL oils are created equal!
- doTERRA has the top doctors and scientific researchers in the business! With the expertise of Dr. Hill and many, many other qualified experts with years of experience in the industry, you will find comfort in knowing you are using the highest quality essential oils on the market, PERIOD.
- You are provided a MENTOR when enrolling with a wellness advocate. This does NOT mean we bombard you with calls, emails or force you to sell essential oils. It means that we are here for you with the information you need about essential oils. Starting an essential oil lifestyle is a big step! You will receive help, guidance and many options on what to use that can help you. We will assure you are getting the education you need to have success with your oils.
- Even though many other companies will claim they are “100% pure” or “as pure as doTERRA, but “CHEAPER” – BEWARE! You get what you pay for! Many other oils may have fillers, contaminants or impurities. And those that claim to be free of these may be very pure but may also be using a LOWER GRADE of essential oil causing it to have low potency and as a result the company is able to sell it to you for cheaper! You will not get the therapeutic results from an oil that is not potent. With doTERRA’s certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils, they are not just third party lab tested, they go through multiple tests to ensure the purity and quality of their essential oils is untouched.
- Please, do yourself a favor and don’t waste your money buying essential oils from Amazon or Ebay! These oils are VERY EASILY TAMPERED with, and I have heard of cases of people who have received tampered oils. You wouldn’t buy your pharmaceuticals on these websites, don’t buy your oils on here either. My children are getting the highest quality of CPTG oils for their little bodies from the SOURCE, so I will never have to question if they will be safe or not! Also, your education stops at Amazon or Ebay. They will not provide you with the personal guidance on how to effectively use your essential oils next time your children get sick.
- As a doTERRA member, you will have the option to join the loyalty rewards program. Let me speak the language of what many are looking for: YOU CAN GET FREE ESSENTIAL OILS! Are you trying to find the cheaper route for your essential oils? You don’t need to look outside of doTERRA! LRP is the SMARTEST way to get your oils for less and for FREE! And that’s HUGE as an essential oil user! (Think frequent flyer miles)
- When joining doTERRA, you are impacting the lives of others all over the world. doTERRA is involved with something called co-impact sourcing. We are supplying homes, water, schools, health clinics, and so many other important resources to the people and their families that are harvesting and supplying our amazing oils from other countries. (why do we get our oils from other countries?) It’s where the roots, trees, twigs, flowers, sap and many other sources of the earth provide our “beyond organic” essential oils. They are comfortably grown in their natural environment in their indigenous soil. In return for the plants, we supply the experts with what they need to live a healthier life with their basic needs met. doTERRA is changing lives everyday and I am grateful to be part of a company that cares so much about others. We are not here to SCAM. We are not here to commit you to something you don’t want to be committed to. We are here to educate, hold your hand and help you experience the power of essential oils, the way they should be experienced.
Order Essential Oils Here! Or contact me to save 25%
Want to learn more? Click here to read more about essential oils or email me at **Ask me about my current promotion on beginner starter kits!
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